
Our Faith


Our Faith

New Heritage Fellowship is not a building. It is a gathering of people —imperfect people. We're a diverse group from different denominations who don't see eye-to-eye on everything, and we love asking tough questions, and listening to one another. NHF is on a journey to know God more deeply and experience God more fully, not just in church, but in the community.

  • We are not about guilt; we are about forgiveness.

  • We are not about judgment; we are about compassion.

  • We are not about rules; we are about freedom.

  • We are not about religion, we are about life together. 


What We Believe

What We Believe

Keeping it simple…

We’re all a mess! However, through his example, Jesus makes it possible for us to learn to be more Christlike and to participate in the redemptive activity of God in the world.

Our Core Values

Connecting and Serving

Through our connections with others, we seek to grow and mature in our faith and our love for God and our neighbors. We value a welcoming and casual environment that fosters connection, cultivates Kingdom imagination, and leads us into the community as loving neighbors and people of peace.


We seek to love and honor God through both individual and collective expressions of praise and thanksgiving. We value expressions of faith that emerge through gifts of music, art, prayer, teaching, and storytelling as we gather each week for a time of centering and encouragement.


We seek to develop relationships with others in a hospitable and loving atmosphere. We value the biblical ideal that we are blessed to be a blessing and that each of our gifts is needed in the Body of Christ and our community.


We encourage all those who are part of this family to be conduits of God’s justice, mercy, and faith. We value a family atmosphere that is open, full of loving-kindness, and fun.